List of Tamil words in Halia language- Buka Island
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist

Clues to read Halia words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add / change the vowels then and there.
Add /delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained / deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Halia Dictionary – Edited by Jan and jerry Allen
English – Halia -Tamil
*1.hit- atung- adinkka- - polite form /plural;thaaakkunkka /strike
*2. burn up in fire- ats- thee idu; thee- fire; idu- make.
3.meat- beno- uoon
*4. hungry- bes- pasi
5.legendary dwarf- bkil- kullan
*6. then /so- be – appo
*7. equal to- bo- oppa
8. torch made from coconut frond- bito- thee pantham; thee-fire; pantham- torch.
*9.toy - bou- pommai
*10. make holes- bubutu – oaatati poaadu; letters are jumbled; oaattai- hole; poadu- make.
11.full of holes- bubutu- oaattai oaattai -yaa
*12. crack- buta – udaiya
13.sprout- bututu- pooththida /bloom; mottu- bud.
*14.freshwater spring- bututu- uooththu
15.arrive- butu- adaiya; poaeida
16.our- emu- nam
*17. your- emu- umm shake- gas- asaikka; letters are in reversed order.
*19. group of living things- gala- kuzhu/ group fall in love- gei- kaamam/ love
*21. branch- gelo- kilai wash – galus- kazhvu; ka= va; va=ka.
*23.for a crowd to make a noise – geta/keta- koottam kaththa; koottam- crowd; kaththa- shout.
24.curved adz- giro- keeri;aruvaa; ka=va; va=ka.
*25. laugh- gol- kekkalikka; ilikka - letters are in reversed order.
26. coconut shell- gotana- kottaan-k -kuchchi
27. joyful/ happy - gol gol- kala kalannu; kali;kalippu.
28.bubble up- gololo- kumil / bubble
* guard- kahete- kaaththidu watch – kahete- kann kaaniththidu
31.mindful -kahete-kavanththoadu; ka= va; va= ka.
32.about to vomit- kaho- kakka / vomit
*33. large basket- kabata- koodai/ basket
*34. cocoa- kakau- kaai
*35. foot fungus- kakalelua- kaal kaalaan; kaal- leg – kaalaan- fungus.
*36. small firewood- kakalolo- kaaazh / firewood
*37. separate- kala- kalai
38. quiet- kakamoto- amaithiyaaka- letters are jumbled.
*39. foot of insect /not leg- kalolo- kaal /leg
*40. to hurt- kamits- kaayam adaiya /got hurt; kaayam – wound.
* scratch - kalo- kizhi
42. to open one’s’ eyes /wake up - kalata –kann veezhththa; ka= va; va= ka; kann-= eye; vizhiththida- wake up.
*43. separate- kata – kaedaa
*44. make- kato -aakkidu
*45. say- kato- kathaiththidu
* sharpen- karima- koormaiyaa/ sharp
47.tight- karapoto - irukkipidiththida; letters are jumbled.
48. bud as new flower- ka putu – poo pooththiduka; poo flower; letters are jumbled.
49. bald- kela- vazhukkai; ka= va; va=ka. saved- katosabe- kaaththidanum
*51.pond- kats- kuttai
52. small clay pot- kepaa- koappai /cup
*53. scratch – kero- keeru
54. bamboo- kaur- moonkkir
*55. guess- ki – kani
56. horn- ki- kompu
*57. to go – kete- yaekidu
58. semen- kese- kanji /gruel
* tie- kits- kattu
*60. bundle- kits- kattu
61. wild dog- kinon- kukkan; naaikkan; letters are in reversed order.
62.cave- kiou- kukai
63.few- kioko- kammiyaaka
64.write- koloto- kiliththidu
*65.unripe- kokobo—kaai yaaka
66. clay pots- koloto – kali munn kudam; kali munn- clay; kudam- pot.
*67.crow- kokou- kaakkai
* eat- kokoraka- korikka
69. testicles- kol- kaaikal [ plural]
70. dirty - korkoriana- karaiyaana
71. talis nut- kooto- kottai /nut
72. to heap- kopa- kuvippu;ka =va; va=ka.
*73. chirping sound – koriki korikka
*74. black skinned- korokun– karu vannam-black color; karu- black; vannam- color; ka= va; va= ka.
*75. bite- koto- kadi accuse- kot - kuththam saattuka; kuththam- complaint/ crime /mistake
77.cough- koso- - kakku
78.beach / sand- kotolan- kadalmanal; kadal-sea; manal- sand.
79. to tear with teeth / bite to pieces- koto leke – kadiththu kizhi; kadi- bite; kizhi- tear; leke= kizhi; letters are in reversed order.
80. unripe fruit- kukutu -kaniyaathathu
* kui- ka
82.dark- kuhil- kankkul
83.go /walk – la- sellu
84.young ripe coconut- las- ilani
*85. to pull- las- izhu
*86. stranger- lel- ayal aal; ayalaan
87.arrow- lapi- pullam; letters are in reversed order.
* shine brightly – liloto – azhalthal / shine;palapalaththal; oli adiththal.
*89. to have sexual intercourse- lok- ozhukka
90. to split- lopa- pila; letters are in reversed order.
*91. mummy- mama- amma
*92. tiny / very small- makasi- mika sinna
93.rotton - magolia- nekkal
94. true- mana- unmai; letters are in reversed order.
95.front - mat- munnadi
96.wink- matakumis- imaiththiduka
97. lid- matana- moodi
* die- mate- madiya
99.meaning – mouna- ennam; letters are in reversed order.
*100. country/ land mass- mounana- munn
101.blunt- mumu- monnai
*102. to kiss- mutsi- muththamidu; muththam- kiss; idu- give.
103. to call with a kissing noise; mutsi- muththam idum oaasai /kissing sound; muththam- kiss; idu- give; oaasai- sound.
104.what- neha – enna cut with a knife- ngats- kaththi- knife; kaathu- cut. refuse- ramu- maru; letters are in reversed order.
107. large biting black ant- puru ma- periya erumpu; letters are jumbled; periya- big; erumpu- ant.
108.below/down- puta- adi
*109.break- putu- poattu udai
* untie- purese- piri
* hold tightly - poto- pidi/ hold
112.back – pouts- pinnaadi
113.kill- poli- azhi; oli
*114.when- poata- eppoathu
*115.same / equal- popo- oppa
116.toslip /slide- poraka- sarukka rash - por porutu – pori pori yaa porinthida; pori- rash; porinthida- to erupt.
* rain- polo- pozhiya
*119.bottom of the foot- pita pita- adi paatham step- pita- adi edu prevent- pita kap- thadukka
*122. hole in a tree- pla- pollal/ hole
* defeacate- pi- pei poa- pei- shit; poa- go.
*124. have death tremor- petete- thudi thudiththida
125.sore- pi- pun
126. run- pieta- oadi poaeidu /to run away; letters are jumbled.
127. keep watching/ continue looking at-pepeito- uththupaaththidu.
*128.look at – peito- paaththidu
129.pit- patu- ponthu
*130.daddy- papa- appa watch over- pakoko – noakka; kannkaanikka; paakka- look.
133. still/ yet- noa- innum
* crawl- oror- uoora
135.penis- outs- thadi /stick
* - nou- unnu
*137.strong- roto- uruthi
138.dice/ to play dice- satu – thaayam; sooththaattam lean- sola – meliya
140.twitch- sopete- thudippu;letters are jumbled.
*141. join back as a broken bone -soonoto -saenthida; inainthida; letters are jumbled.
*142.noon- soasa- uchchai join- spana- inai
144.breast- sus- paachchi shake- supa- asai
* shake- tagas- aattuka
*147. to have holes- ta butu- oaatti poadu; oaattai- hole;poaadu- make.
148. to break into pieces- tabuta – thundu thundaa udaiththu poadu; thundu- piece; udai- break; udaiththu poadu- break.
*149.clay pot- tabeli– thaali
150. to copy- taatate- achchu eduththidu
*151.flat-taaha- thattaiyaa dig a hole- tahil- thoanduthal dust- tahoolo- thoosuthattthal;thoosu thudaiththal;thoosu- dust.
154.other-tai- maththathu
155.for the wind to begin to blow – tahuutu- adiththida /blow
*156. to walk- tataala- adi eduththal
*157.slit gong drum- ti– thappu; adi; thattu.
*158. crack- ti- udaiya; oaattai.
*159. pound thin - ti- idi
160.vagina- teke- koothi; letters are in reversed order.
*161.piece of wood- tete- thadi /wood beat the slit gong drum- titingo- thattunnka / plural/ polite
163. to catch - toul- pidiththal soak- tono – nanaiththidu; letters are in reversed order. hatch eggs- toto- muttai idu; muttai- egg.
165.island- tolo- manalthittu; manal-sand; thittu- patchy area.
166.nine- tose- thondu
167.quickly – totonu – sattunnu; pattunnu.
*168.speak- toho – oaathu /say shut- tsiguhu – adaikka tap – tsiki -thattuka
* pour out- tsu- uooththu
* sew- tsku- theikka
* stop / block- tu – thadu; letter is read more than once.
*173.touch -tsiki -thoduka compare with- tua – oppida /to compare bump / crash - tuku –moathuka; idikka; idikka; thadukka.
176.dig up- tul -thoanduthal
* sew together- tul – theiththal
*178.heart- tui – ithayam
*179.arrive- -tuku – adaika beat the slit gong- tuku – thattuka; kottuka; letters are in reversed order.
*181.insert- soga- saekka
*182. by itself- tuun- thaanae; thannai thaanae kake -akam
*184. house- luma- illam
*185.go away – ba- poa
*186.go down- golala- keezhae sellu ‘; keezhae- down; sellu-go
*187. fire- tulaa- thazhal
188.anger- si- sinam
189.a type of dance- tseka – aaduka/ to dance
190.command- tahul –aanai iduthal
*191.collect together- soro- saeru
192. little by little- gim gim –konjam konjamaa
193.lookat again – tara pouts – uttru paththidu- to stare
194.ocean- loul- soozhi
195.pick by breaking off- tseko – odikka /snap
*196. shake- tololo – aattuthal
* together- tul- thaeiththal
198.soul -na manamei – manam
199.torn- bubutu – peinthida
*200. tough- roto- uruthi
*201. waves- lou- alai
202.weep- oulung- azhuka
*203. to write on a stone- kets- koththu
204.very old person - mataroropits - muthiyoar aayida – to become elderly person; muthiyoar- elderly person; aayida to become.
*205.divide- kaakata – kaathu
*206.pound- tutu –idiththidu;podiththidu
207.fasten- kits- kattu trample – toto – mithiththida; saadida
* shake/ shiver /tremble- tolotolo – thudiththal;thulluthal; padapadaththal. prick- toka- pothukka; yaeththuka brace- toka- inaiththiduka
*212.slap- tapala- adiththal; thapputhal/beat.
213.ocean- tasi– thoayathi
*214. to own/ possess- tei-adaiya
*215.good- niga- nanmaiyaaka hit someone on the head – usually with the knuckles- toto-mandai yaei thattu /idi – to hit the head; mandai- head; thattu- tap; idi- hit.
217.boat- tolala- mathalai
*218.woman / female /wife- tahol –thaiyal
*219. eclectus parrot/ green color- kal kala -kilikal/ parrots.